Minewire Design

Stand Out

Minewire Design is not just another web design company. We know how to work with clients to make sure that a creative, modern and unique website is designed perfectly for them. Let's break it down for you.


All of the websites that we design are made from scratch and are custom tailored to your idea. Blank canvases are great.


Your idea is drafted the old fashioned way. Using a pen, paper and a cup of tea. We use prototypes, not mock-ups.


We believe in the simple idea of staying current. Currently, people like mobile devices. Let's get your site optimized.


Well not to brag, but this site is a perfect example. You were probably expecting a multi-page scrolling site, right?

About Me

Hi, my name is Joshua. I create innovative and user friendly websites and designs to turn your creative ideas into reality. I have been designing websites since I was in the 6th grade. I love God and I love doing all of my work unto Him. My favorite sport is soccer and I enjoy listening to jazz when it is raining softly outside. Gifs and Cinemagraphs are awesome and that is why they are incorporated everywhere on this site. Well, that’s about it! Click the “Minewire Design” button at the top of your screen to return to the home section.

Design Cycle

We create immersive experiences. Every website that I create begins it's life as a blank page; no templates here! You can view the full process down below.
The checklist that we run through can be found here.

I will speak with the customer (preferably by email for better organization) regarding the website details. This allows for a lessened need to constantly ask about changes, since you already have guidelines. This part of the cycle is important for a great website.

The planning phase is when I sketch a mockup of the website and begin envisioning the layout of the entire website. I will give you a free estimate on how much the website will cost. After you agree to it, 50% of the entire cost will be paid before construction of the website.

All sketches and ideas will come together into one amazing website. The sections will be laid out and organized properly. All images and information will be added. The website is made from scratch and will eliminate the constraints of using a theme. 

The client will now look over the entire website and notify me of all issues and potential fixes. This will make sure that they receive the best possible website. I will also recommend quality web hosts to the client for a more professional domain.

Wahoo! The website is now completed and client is proud of what has been put together. Since everything is finalized, the website will be made responsive to allow it to work on all screen sizes. The entire fee of the website (other 50%) is now paid to developer. Enjoy!

Recent Projects

I have worked with many great people to design high quality websites. Here are the latest websites that I have designed. You may click the rocket to begin viewing.

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Recent Projects

I have worked with many great people to design high quality websites. Here are the latest websites that I have designed. You may click the rocket to begin viewing.

I have worked with many great people to design high quality websites. Here are the latest websites that I have designed. You may click the rocket to begin viewing.

I have worked with many great people to design high quality websites. Here are the latest websites that I have designed. You may click the rocket to begin viewing.